Two new releases today from our friends at Geekify Inc.
First are a blast from the past!
You can be the coolest kid at the lunch table with your Neopets Slap Bands!
They're available in four radical colours and each comes with a Virtual Prize Code!
(There's a discount if you buy all four!)

Next up is the return of the Chocolate Advent Calendar!
These will ship late November (just in time for opening!) and each include a Virtual Prize Code.
Geekify has also provided some details on the processes they have implemented to ensure high quality with the calendar. Please read the full details here but below is an excerpt.

We've made vast changes in the process, packaging, and procedures for this year. Given the advance start of the project, we’ve had plenty of time to prepare and to improve on what we learned from doing Advent Calendars previously.
* Each chocolate is being molded directly in formed plastic trays, saving both time and improving presentation
* We’ve partnered with a candy kitchen for production
* Each package will be shrink wrapped to ensure freshness.
* We've chosen a different brand of higher-end chocolate melt wafers for casting.
~~ Geekify Inc.
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