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Neocash Holiday Giveaway

Posted on November 19th, 2008 @ 11:10pm by Joe.

Neocash Holiday Giveaway!

It's the time of year for giving, and Neopets is doing just that and giving everyone (living in the US and Canada) a chance to win FREE Neocash Cards!

Click here to enter if you live in the USA

Click here to enter if you live in Canada

Good Luck!

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Neopets Puzzle Adventure!

Posted on November 12th, 2008 @ 6:32pm by Joe.

Neopets Puzzle Adventure!

UPDATE:JellyNeo also has a playable demo of the game available here!

Our friends at JellyNeo have a trailer for Neopets Puzzle Adventure. Check it out here! It will be available for DS and PC on November 25th and Wii in early December!

Follow us on twitter for the latest Neopets Merchandise Updates!

Series 6

Posted on November 6th, 2008 @ 12:06pm by Joe.

Series 6!

JellyNeo and NeoMerch are pleased to release the list of series six plushies!
Available this February!

Camouflage Wocky
Orange Lupe
Pink Elephante
Purple Kiko
Red Pteri
Robot Jubjub
Robot Kacheek
Robot Mynci
Speckled Scorchio
Spotted Cybunny
Striped Ixi
Limited Edition Plushies:
Gold Usul
Gold Kyrii
Gold Blumaroo
Target Exclusives:
Starry Poogle
Starry Kau
Starry Acara

Check out those and more at our JAKKS Page

Thanks Dave!

Follow us on twitter for the latest Neopets Merchandise Updates!

Series 6!

Posted on November 1st, 2008 @ 8:08am by Joe.

Series 6!   

Check out this advertisement for Key Quest plushies for a sneak peak at series 6! Available this February!   

(click it to enlarge)    

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