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Battledome TCG Rule Updates

Posted on March 7th, 2025 @ 11:00am by Joe.

During today's Twitch live stream, Upper Deck has announced that the comprehensive rulebook for the Neopets Battledome TCG will be released on March 14th.

Additionally they went over some upcoming changes that will take effect on that date.

Codestones are now part of your Neopet. They are no longer considered to be "in play" nor "in the Battledome."

This change was made because thematically when you use a Codestone in Neopia it is consumed and the stat increase becomes part of the pet. How pet stats are calculated is not changing. (A Neopet's Attack is the Attack printed on the card plus it's attached Codestones.)    

Because of this change, Khan the Unstoppable can no longer target Codestones.

Play Area   
The Play Area is no longer considered a zone in the Battledome. It is now a special zone meant for unique game mechanics such as Map Pieces or Locations.

This further clarifies things (like what can and can't be targeted by Khan. Khan never affected these cards.)  
Future cards will read "When this card enters the Battledome" to signify where they are played.   
As Punchbag Bob goes to the Play Area, he currently also no longer targeted by Khan.

Conditions & Play Area  
Effects that would have a player interact with a specific quantity of resources as part of its resolution no longer require that player have at least the quantity stated. Effects with additional costs or an "if, then" clause of a specific quantity of resources are still mandatory.

This is to alleviate confusion as it was found that most people were already playing it this way. Future cards will include more text to clarify.   

For example, with Usul Defender, if you didn't have four cards in your deck, you could not play it. Now, you can play the card regardless of how many cards are in your deck, but the rule still applies that you receive one point of damage for each card you need to draw but can't. (so if you only have two cards left in your deck and play Usul Defender, you'd draw those two cards, and take two points of damage)   

With this update, Breadmaster will allow you to play it when you have less than three cards in your Inventory (placing what you have into your deck.) OR when your deck is empty (to give you an edge, so you can then draw cards and not take damage) This card will be receiving an errata in the future to change it's requirements.   

Kau Defender for example explicitly may only be played if you have six or more cards in your Inventory, as is described on the card.   

Ghostly Hot Dog is another example of a requirement, as the discard statement is part of the requirement (semi colon versus a period.)

Game rule for Food now reads "whenever a Food card resolves, it is sent to the Void."

This change was made due to the change with the Play Area now no longer being part of the Battledome.  

This also provides a minor buff for Food. For example, if Hubert's Special Hot Dog is played against your Food, it would go to your Discard, and not your Void, as it did not resolve.

Updated text for Jhudora (Faerie) now reads "When a card played this way would be sent to the discard, send it to the Void instead."

This change was also made to clarify the text due to the change to the Play Area.

These changes take effect on March 14th when the Comprehensive Rule Book launches. Additionally, the Banned and Restricted list will be updated on March 21st with a goal of only making changes to the Ban/Restricted list three times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall, to coincide with product releases.)

Watch the VOD here.

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