42 Inch Scorchio and Poogle Kite

42 Inch Scorchio and Poogle Kite

Type: Toys

Item Group: Kites

Release Date: January 15th, 2009

Manufacturer: JAKKS Pacific

Status: Retired

Previously available at: Stop and Shop, Giant, HEB, Kroeger

This item does not include a Virtual Prize Code.


Let's go fly a kite!


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Virtual Items

You will receive one of these virtual items at random (unless otherwise noted) when entering the code with this item.

Item data courtesy

The item code was inadvertantly forgotten from these items. Neopets provided them to all who purchased at the time they were released.

Blue Acara Kite

Blue Acara Kite

Pink Poogle and Red Scorchio Kite

Pink Poogle and Red Scorchio Kite