Jhudora's Crystal Ball (Foil)


Series: Battledome TCG - Defenders of Neopia by Upper Deck

Card Number: 218

Rarity: Rare

Type: Equipment

Level Requirement: 4

Card Text: When this card is sent from your inventory or deck to your discard, you may play this card. During your Preparation Phase, you may discard 1 card; look at the top 3 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your inventory, sent 1 to your discard, and return 1 to the top or bottom oof you deck in any order. During your Draw Phase, you may send this card to your discard; look at the top 3 cards of either player's deck. Return them to the top and/or bottom of their deck in any order.

Artist: Karine Ellen Berno

Card ID : DON-218 R


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Rules, Detail, F.A.Q.

  • This card has an alternate ability that allows it to be played. It can be played this way, or as normal for your 1 card play per turn.